Vodafone retail store locations in Germany
SKU: AG-63FC2AB08F0AE6909F14D1F5

Vodafone retail store locations in Germany


Complete list of all 1021 Vodafone retail store POI locations in the Germany with name, geo-coded address, city, email, phone number etc for download in CSV format or via the API.

Total Locations 1021
Last Updated Date March 30, 2025
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List of top 5 locations for Vodafone retail store, ordered by recently added date on their official website: vodafone.de

Vodafone retail store locations in Germany
  1. Vodafone-ShopWestliche-Karl-Friedrich-Str. 275172 Pforzheim
    Westliche-Karl-Friedrich-Str. 2, Pforzheim, 75172
  2. Vodafone-ShopVorderreihe 2923570 Lübeck Travemünde
    Vorderreihe 29, Lübeck Travemünde, 23570
  3. Vodafone-ShopÜberseeboulevard 720457 Hamburg
    Überseeboulevard 7, Hamburg, 20457
  4. Vodafone-ShopLeopoldstr. 5380802 München
    Leopoldstr. 53, München, 80802
  5. Vodafone-ShopZeil 12360313 Frankfurt am Main
    Zeil 123, Frankfurt am Main, 60313

Fields and Schema

List of fields and attributes included in Vodafone retail store locations in Germany database

Field DataType Value
_id guid 679213241362fbc8fbedac85
uuid guid c0edead2e57631d053caadd43be9d2db
address string Westliche-Karl-Friedrich-Str. 2, Pforzheim, 75172
city string Pforzheim
country string DE
created_at date Thu Jan 23 2025 10:00:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
domain url vodafone.de
email string info@marktwert-vodafone.de
latitude string 48.89154724037945
longitude string 8.702124309752266
map_url url https://maps.google.com/maps?cid=17678302256459628698
name string Vodafone-ShopWestliche-Karl-Friedrich-Str. 275172 Pforzheim
open_hours string Donnerstag10:00 - 18:30,Fri:10:00 - 18:30,Sat:10:00 - 15:00,SonntagGeschlossen,Mon:10:00 - 18:30,Dienstag10:00 - 18:30,Mon:10:00 - 18:30
phone string 07231 4438118,07231 4438118
state string -
street string Westliche-Karl-Friedrich-Str. 2
type string MobilePhoneStore
updated_at date Thu Jan 23 2025 10:00:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
url url https://shops.vodafone.de/pforzheim/westliche-karl-friedrich-str.-2
zip_code string 75172


Vodafone retail store POI (Point of interest) API to fetch all the locations database by sending a GET request to Agenty.

# Get locations by dataset SKU

curl --request GET
--url https://api.agenty.com/v2/marketplace/63fc2ab08f0ae6909f14d1f5?apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY}
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
# List of 1021 locations                   
    "_id": "679212bb1362fbc8fbed6dce",
    "uuid": "d79b318a087673542dbcfdb381066ad6",
    "address": "Zeil 123, Frankfurt am Main, 60313",
    "city": "Frankfurt am Main",
    "country": "DE",
    "created_at": "2025-01-23T09:58:19.829Z",
    "domain": "vodafone.de",
    "email": "fil.5954@vodafone.com",
    "latitude": 50.11363793059185,
    "longitude": 8.680239343640975,
    "map_url": "https://maps.google.com/maps?cid=1136664330505429234",
    "name": "Vodafone-ShopZeil 12360313 Frankfurt am Main",
    "open_hours": "Donnerstag09:30 - 20:00,Fri:09:30 - 20:00,Sat:09:30 - 20:00,SonntagGeschlossen,Mon:09:30 - 20:00,Dienstag09:30 - 20:00,Mon:09:30 - 20:00",
    "phone": "0800 1721212,0800 1721212",
    "state": "",
    "street": "Zeil 123",
    "type": "MobilePhoneStore",
    "updated_at": "2025-01-23T09:58:19.829Z",
    "url": "https://shops.vodafone.de/frankfurt-am-main/zeil-123",
    "zip_code": "60313"

# Get api key from https://cloud.agenty.com/settings/apikeys

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The total locations available to download are: 1021

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