7-Eleven retail store locations in USA

7-Eleven retail store locations in USA

$85 $75

Complete list of all 269 7-Eleven retail store POI locations in the USA with name, geo-coded address, city, email, phone number etc for download in CSV format or via the API.

Total Locations 269
Last Updated Date February 16, 2025
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List of top 5 locations for 7-Eleven retail store, ordered by recently added date on their official website: 7-eleven.com

  1. 7-Eleven
    4312 SW ADMIRAL WAY, Seattle, WA, 98116-2423
  2. 7-Eleven
    2429 HARBOR AVE SW, Seattle, WA, 98126-2133
  3. 7-Eleven
    3801 CALIFORNIA AVE SW, Seattle, WA, 98116-3703
  4. 7-Eleven
    3280 SW AVALON, Seattle, WA, 98126-2607
  5. 7-Eleven
    4812 ERSKINE WAY SW, Seattle, WA, 98116-4425

Fields and Schema

List of fields and attributes included in 7-Eleven retail store locations in USA database

Field DataType Value
_id guid 65e837dfde753d416ae591bd
uuid guid 51e008bf0a38b8f1592cc7b418c51506
address string 4312 SW ADMIRAL WAY, Seattle, WA, 98116-2423
city string Seattle
country string USA
created_at date Wed Mar 06 2024 09:31:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
domain url 7-eleven.com
email string -
latitude string -
longitude string -
map_url url https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=47.581465,-122.387416&z=15&t=m&hl=en-US&gl=US&mapclient=apiv3
name string 7-Eleven
open_hours string Open 24/7
phone string (206) 938-0151
state string WA
street string 4312 SW ADMIRAL WAY
type string LocalBusiness
updated_at date Wed Mar 06 2024 09:31:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
url url https://www.7-eleven.com/locations/wa/seattle/4312-sw-admiral-way-14436
zip_code string 98116-2423


7-Eleven retail store POI (Point of interest) API to fetch all the locations database by sending a GET request to Agenty.

# Get locations by dataset SKU

curl --request GET
--url https://api.agenty.com/v2/marketplace/640eb1f4f5df3ee8c4434dcb?apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY}
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
# List of 269 locations                   
    "_id": "65e837c7de753d416ae584b1",
    "uuid": "ddd9b423110bc844243c0665597cb9da",
    "address": "4812 ERSKINE WAY SW, Seattle, WA, 98116-4425",
    "city": "Seattle",
    "country": "USA",
    "created_at": "2024-03-06T09:30:47.028Z",
    "domain": "7-eleven.com",
    "email": "",
    "latitude": null,
    "longitude": null,
    "map_url": "https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=47.558796,-122.387127&z=15&t=m&hl=en-US&gl=US&mapclient=apiv3",
    "name": "7-Eleven",
    "open_hours": "Open 24/7",
    "phone": "(206) 937-0290",
    "state": "WA",
    "street": "4812 ERSKINE WAY SW",
    "type": "LocalBusiness",
    "updated_at": "2024-03-06T09:30:47.028Z",
    "url": "https://www.7-eleven.com/locations/wa/seattle/4812-erskine-way-sw-16547",
    "zip_code": "98116-4425"

# Get api key from https://cloud.agenty.com/settings/apikeys

How many locations are available for download in this dataset?

The total locations available to download are: 269

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